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Join The VIP Sleepers Club

Get access to exclusive perks, benefits and products with membership!

  • $20 Gift Card

    Get a gift card to use on any product in the store.

  • $0 Cost Next-Day Shipping

    VIP Sleepers enjoy next day shipping on all orders at no cost.

  • $10 Credit Each Month

    Each VIP Sleeper gets $10 dollars to spend in that month.

  • $0 Cost Birthday Gifts

    You’ll get a free product of your choice on every birthday.

  • VIP Customer Service

    Get VIP customer service and you'll be jumped to the front of the line whenever you need assistance.

  • VIP Shopping Day Discounts

    VIP Sleepers get occasional exclusive discounts.

  • Insider Access

    Get exclusive access to new promotions and content. Plus you’ll get to vote on new product ideas.

  • Exclusive Launches

    Be the first to know about our VIP-only new product launches.

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VIP Sleepers Club

Regular price $69.99
Regular price Sale price $69.99
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When are my membership fees due?

The VIP Sleepers club membership fee is paid when you sign up and gives you all of the membership benefits for a full year (12 months).

What are the costs for a VIP Sleepers Club membership?

The VIP Sleepers Club is only $69.99 for an annual membership.

Can I cancel my membership?

Yes. You can cancel your VIP Sleepers Club membership at anytime.

What are the terms & conditions

When you purchase a membership, you are signing up for the VIP Sleepers Club. Benefits include a $20 gift card, and free expedited shipping and much more.

You will be billed for your membership at 12 month intervals. Your payment details will be stored securely when you're charged. Membership will automatically renew at the end of your interval. If you do not want to renew your subscription you may cancel.

You may cancel your membership at any time through your Fix My Sleep account under the “manage membership” button. Cancelling your membership cancels your benefits for the following subscription period, it does not refund your purchase. Our customer support team can be reached by email at or by chat.